Triadic Color Scheme in Fashion Split Complementary Color Scheme Clothes

This post will probably misemploy some of the mystery for you. Every heart-pleasing color combination from artwork that you dear to interior design is done by following rules.

Color combination knowledge volition aid you to be more creative with your wardrobe and take abroad any doubts when information technology comes to dressing.

Intro to the Colour Cycle

The Color Wheel is a visual representation of how colors chronicle to each other.
The Colour Bicycle is the main tool nosotros are going to be using for color philharmonic reference. So, I encourage you lot to get one or download an application to your smartphone.

color wheel

Image Source

At that place are but 3 primary colors – blue, red, and yellow. All other colors represent a mixture of chief colors.

If you have always attended a paint night event, you probably think that they only give you principal colors – yellow, blue, and red. Plus white and black – those are achromatics (not colors).

And and then if y'all need light-green, you mix blueish and yellow. If you need xanthous-greenish, just add together more yellowish. Need lighter tint of that yellow-dark-green? Add white, and for a darker shade – add together black.

Violet is achieved by mixing blueish and red; and orange by mixing red and yellow.

How to combine colors

Now allow's take a wait at the color combination rules. There are v main color combo rules:
-square (or skip-two)


This color scheme is achieved by choosing merely a unmarried color hue and working around its tint, shade, and tone.

monochromatic color cheme

Image Source

Hither are examples of monochromatic outfits:

monochromatic color scheme in outfit

Image Source | Image Source | Epitome Source


In an analogous colour scheme, you choose two or iii colors in a row on the colour wheel.

analogous color scheme

Paradigm Source

Here are examples of analogous scheme outfits:

analogous color scheme in outfits

Epitome Source | Paradigm Source | Prototype Source | Image Source


Any two colors on the color wheel positioned opposite each other. In this combination, ane color is always warm and the other is always cool.

complementary color scheme

Epitome Source

Remember, when they are next to each other, they intensify each other, use this combo with circumspection.

Here are some good examples of this colour scheme in outfits:

complementary color scheme in outfit

Epitome Source | Image Source | Paradigm Source


This is when you take three colors every bit spaced on the colour wheel.

triadic color scheme

Prototype Source

You can, but don't take to use all three colors in an outfit.
This is likewise a very contrasting color philharmonic, then exist conscientious with it.

Here are some good examples of this color philharmonic in outfits:

triadic color scheme in outfit

Image Source | Image Source | Epitome Source | Epitome Source

Foursquare (or skip-two-colors)

Choose four colors equally spaced around the color wheel. Basically you lot volition take a color and complement it with the color that is two colors apart.

square color scheme

Image Source

This is a very artistic and artistic color scheme, then you won't see it a lot on the streets. Then apply this opportunity to prove off your unique taste.

Examples of a square color scheme:

square color scheme outfit

Image Source | Paradigm Source | Epitome Source | Image Source

Important things to recollect:

1. Yous can mix and lucifer up to iii colors + achromatic colors (white, blackness, and gray) in one outfit (unless there are more than colors in the print)
2. You can use more i rule in i outfit
3. Of import: Cull colors in accord with YOUR color blazon!

More than Examples

colorful outfit

Prototype Source

Orange blazer + blue jeans – complementary color scheme
Orange blazer + lemon yellow shoes – square colour scheme
Blue jeans + yellow shoes – triad color scheme
White is not a color!

colorful outfit

Epitome Source

Burgundy + orangish – square colour scheme
Orange-brown + orange – monochromatic color scheme

colorful outfit

Image Source

Violet-crimson pants + Orange-yellow shirt – triadic color scheme
Yellow orangish shirt + orange handbag – analogous color scheme

Red-violet pants + orange purse – square colour scheme

colorful outfit blue and orange

Image Source

Orange pants + blue shirt – complementary color scheme
Orange pants + burgundy clutch – foursquare color scheme
Burgundy clutch + blue shirt – besides foursquare color scheme

In conclusion

Equally you can see you don't need special vision or talent to add together more colors to your outfits. All you demand is a color wheel and a basic noesis of color combination rules.

I promise this will aid yous to wearing apparel more than colorfully and stand out from the crowd!

If you want to learn in depth everything about colors, understand what colors make you look fresher and younger, larn some nuances about using item colors in outfits, know how to balance and correct shape using colors, receive your private color palette and case of color combinations for your color type, be able to recognize "your" colors in stores, and feel confident and relaxed when shopping, you lot can sign upward for a one-on-one 2-hour color consultation with me.

Also published on Medium.

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